I think it might be an idea at this point to remove the link to the password.
This would ensure we don't get late joiners affecting our average in the sub-league competition .
All cars should start in the pit and track with engines off .
This would allow drivers that are not ready at the start of a race to be spectated ,if they haven't started their engine a second or two before the lights.
If you use google they already keep a database of all searches ,ip address and location iirc and I've you use their cookies they are valid until 2038 !!
The charges came after a member of staff spotted the material on Glitter's computer, in for repair at PC World in Bristol. Mr John Royce, QC, told the court that a technician tried to correct the fault and in order to see if he was successful had to look into a file. But what he found, said the QC, was "disturbing"